Practical - genetic databases

Practical time allocated: 1 hour 

 Activity 1: video


 Activity 1: Instructions

One outcome of the Human Genome Project is that the techniques that were developed have enabled the sequencing of other genomes. This allows gene sequences to be compared. The results of this comparison can be used to determine evolutionary relationships. Also, the identification of conserved sequences allows species to be chosen for exploring the function of that sequence. 

Activity 2: Video


Activity 2: instructions

This practical has been adapted from and Allott & Mindorff 2014. You will use the Ensembl database to complete the table opposite 

Activity 3: Video


Activity 3: Instructions

The locus of a gene is its particular position on the homologous chromosomes. Online databases can be used to find the locus of human genes. There is an example of such a database in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man website, maintained by John Hopkins University.