
Thanks to Alice Tully for first giving me her idea to create workbooks and her permission to copy her.

Thanks also to Chris Paine over at Bioknowledgy for his excellent resources which were the inspiration for me to nest the exercises in my workbooks and on this website by the headings U1, A1, S1 etc.

Thanks also to Andrew Allott and David Mindorff for their excellent text which was the basis for many of the exercises that you will find in the workbooks and on this site.

The Inthinking Biology pages and resources run by David Faure have also been a lifeline for me, working as the sole biology teacher in my school for the last 4 years.

Thanks also to Ron Ritchhart for his ideas on thinking routines laid out in his book "making thinking visible" which since 2016 I have used as the basis of my DP teaching. This website represents a second iteration of my attempt to incorporate his ideas into my practice.